Celebrating the Journey

The time has come and I finally did it! I finally got my act together, created a website and have written a blog post OF MY OWN. What took me so long you may ask? There were countless mental road blocks that were preventing me from getting this done. That’s the thing though – they were all MENTAL. I was getting in my own way. So I needed to check in with myself and reflect.

I discovered that there were three major areas holding me back from my progress:


Of course that was holding me back!  I wanted my website to be PERFECT. Talk about self pressure! Though I have plenty of WordPress knowledge, I would not call myself a “web designer”. Assisting my clients with portions of their WordPress site such as blog posts, images, pages, etc. were definitely part of my repertoire. But actually building my own site? What if I don’t have all of the “right” marketing copy? What would others think of me after they see it? What would my friends and family think? Or other VA’s in the field? Or my potential clients?  Will I be judged?

I wanted to create something that was professional and represented me, but over-caring about what others would think was preventing me from completing my goal. I needed to quiet those voices in my head. Those voices of self-doubt or not being good enough to do something like this that was out of my comfort zone.

Takeaway: More positive self talk and less judgement of myself. More pride and less doubt.

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This one we can all relate to. As mom entrepreneurs, we have many items to juggle on a daily basis. We went into business for ourselves not only as a necessity for income, but also so that we can create a work-life balance.  We want to be there for our children and family when they need us. But there are only so many hours in the day to support our family, our business and our own self-care. So, creating the time was crucial. It was at this time that I began to slowly chip away at this project and visualized the end result. Creating boundaries within my busy life allowed me to say “yes” to those things that truly mattered and “no” to others so that I could find the time and space to complete my project.

Takeaway: Forgive myself for not completing this project sooner. I was busy living my life!


This was a challenge that was out of my expertise, so at times it became, well…challenging! There were times when I truly wanted to give up. I was thinking that perhaps I should hire someone – someone who knows what they are doing and who really understands the process of building a website.

Instead of getting down on myself, I kept persevering. I would be so proud of myself when I would figure something out! My confidence began to grow and with that came renewed motivation. I usually complete any goal that I set out to accomplish, and I was not going to let this experience be any different!

Takeaway: Growth never happens within your comfort zone! Sometimes you need to accept the challenge in order to see what you are truly made of.

After examining these items that were preventing me from completing my website, I finally took a deep breath and gave myself PERMISSION TO NOT BE PERFECT.

The self-imposed pressure was preventing me from getting this done. I knew that I was going to be so much happier and confident in myself and my growing business if I just got SOMETHING out there. Who cares if all of the components are not exactly right? I can tweak along the way! This was my first website and everyone needs to start somewhere!

I gave myself permission to have this blog post to not be perfect, as well! πŸ™‚


So, now it’s time to CELEBRATE! To focus on my accomplishments! Not to focus on the lack, but on the positive changes that I am creating for myself and my business.

Share With Me

Do you have a project that you have been wanting to complete, but have your own mental items holding you back? What is preventing you from celebrating? Have you thought about what it would be like to give yourself permission to NOT have everything be perfect? How does that feel? Please share your thoughts with me!